Is The Denver RTD Light Rail System Now Known as the "Crime Line"?
Author: Staunch Trump Supporter
Date: 08-31-2024 - 13:48

It serves the Denver suburb of Aurora, where, thanks to the Obama-Biden-Harris machine, Venezuelan gangs have now taken over several apartment complexes and are busy terrorizing residents who are "old fashioned" -- in that they were born in the U.S.A. and are legal U.S. citizens.

Aurora is also situated along UP's Kansas Pacific line which was used by the "City of St. Louis" and Rock Island's "Rocky Mountain Rocket" via trackage rights.

Man, Woman, Person, Conductor, Engineer. Absolutely, bro.






Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Is The Denver RTD Light Rail System Now Known as the "Crime Line"? Staunch Trump Supporter 08-31-2024 - 13:48
  Unless the gangs are robbing commuters at gunpoint, its a non-RR Post SMH 08-31-2024 - 16:08
  Re: Is The Denver RTD Light Rail System Now Known as the "Crime Line"? I'ma M'gaga 09-01-2024 - 15:51

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