Re: #4/Sept 2,2024 woes is me
Author: Amtrak Mary
Date: 09-02-2024 - 13:18
Oh My Wrote:
> Arrived Gallup at 12:38p and still sitting there
GLP is still a "fresh air" stop on top of the Loco swap dance.
_ 09/02/24 3:32pm EDT
_ As of 1:23 PM MT Mechanical Issue: Southwest Chief Train
_ 4 which departed Los Angeles (LAX) on 9/1 is currently experiencing
_ a delay in Gallup (GLP) due to mechanical issues. Crews
_ are diligently working to resolve the issue. We will provide
_ updates as more information becomes available. We sincerely
_ appreciate your continued patience.
Departed: 1 hour, 53 minutes late.