Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Yep, this happens more than you'd think...
Author: BOB2
Date: 09-04-2024 - 09:07

Don't drink and snooze Wrote:
> 110 hours? Meaning over 4 days to extract the
> victim? Yeah, the reporting could be better.

This kind of crazy happens more than you think (both the kind of fools like this, sleeping on the tracks, and this kind of math from reporters).

Surviving and wasting this kind of taxpayer resources to save this fool is much rarer, since they usually die.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Butcher Pete 09-03-2024 - 18:04
  Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Don't drink and snooze 09-03-2024 - 20:11
  Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Yep, this happens more than you'd think... BOB2 09-04-2024 - 09:07
  Re: DETROIT - A 20-year-old man rescued Monday night after he was run over by a freight while sleeping on the railroad tracks, officials said. Yep, this happens more than you'd think... BOB2 09-11-2024 - 11:55

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