Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-seventy-first Installment
Author: D. B. Arthur
Date: 09-25-2024 - 23:53

The previous photo I posted showed NdeM Train 108 at the station of Santiago Quiotepec (KP 234), Oaxaca on February 21, 1996, TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS AGO, as some friends of mine and I were making our way from the city of Puebla (KP 0) to the city of Oaxaca (KP 367) on a train that has since been discontinued operating on a rail line that has since been abandoned.

This photo shows the train doing some switching work in the tiny town of Tomellin, Oaxaca (KP 257) where the crew added a boxcar behind the locomotive.

Here's a link where you can view 156 photos of what the area looks like since the railroad has been shut down. It appears that NdeM made such a quick retreat that they abandoned-in-place a flatcar loaded with a bulldozer.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-seventy-first Installment D. B. Arthur 09-25-2024 - 23:53
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-seventy-first Installment James Johnstone 09-26-2024 - 22:54
  Re: Submitted For Your Approval * Two-hundred-seventy-first Installment D. B. Arthur 09-27-2024 - 07:46

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