Another Planet Wrote:
> anon Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Thanks Bob. Sorry to hear about MTA's lapses
> that
> > you mention. I bet ridership will become very
> > high once MTA society gets itself sorted out.
> >
> > These imported light rail systems are very well
> built and
> > will last 100 years(LOL). I share your
> enthusiasm for
> > them.
> In four years, LOL!
> Foam kiss!
> []
> 00/img_33389.jpg
Yep, I know that responsible adult behavior can be a lot to ask for these days...
But I'm old, and I still remember rather fondly that kind of old-time adult level of responsibility, engagement, and the positive actions we took to make things run right during the last LA Olympics...
Obviously, it would be a hard concept for the kind of folks who only come to a train chat board to post their own style of "other worldly" style of childish troll posts to understand...
But at least it's a post that included a real nice photo...