Re: CSX Damages River
Author: ron
Date: 11-19-2024 - 10:46
Greg Samuals Wrote:
> They are concerned about removing material from
> river. I was involved with a hiway restoration
> and part of the requirement was to remove all non
> native materials from the
> river, including non-native rip rap, ballast, wood
> and steel. If the area is really that
> sensitive, then even rafters should not be allowed
> in the area as the activity of hundreds
> of tourists impacts the endangered species as
> well. Keep everyone out, leave the wrecked
> railroad in place as is, and let nature take it's
> course. But lawyers won't get rich that way and
> the rafting groups won't get free press and
> likely, new boat launches as well.
> ((If the areas around the country are as sensitive
> as these groups say they are, they then
> should be Human Free Zones -- nature only -- and
> nothing more. No select groups get playgrounds at
> others, including the enviroments, expense.))
Well said. The photos remind me of the Eel river canyon. Twenty five years after the last train ran in some places there is only a trace of an old railroad. The (Ungreat) Redwood trail will bring people , trash and the risk of fires to land that nature is slowely reclaiming.