Re: Legal changes aim to streamline Californian rail electrification projects
Author: Zyklon B
Date: 11-22-2024 - 16:00

Commenter Wrote:
> British, can't you tell?
> []
> l-changes-aim-to-streamline-californian-rail-elect
> rification-projects/67847.article

Limey-ville??? Huh? The first four words in your link put the location in the United States.

The Governor of California has signed legislation designed to accelerate electrification by exempting zero-emission railway projects on existing lines from requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, which can lead to legal delays.

The bill passed with bipartisan support was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom in September. This was shortly after Caltrain launched its full electric service between San Francisco and San Jose, enabling faster and more frequent trains with lower emissions and noise.

Assemblymember Alex Lee said "we have to catch up with the rest of the world on electrifying our railway systems. Electric trains are greener, faster and more reliable. In the midst of the climate crisis, we can’t afford any delays to electrifying California’s trains"

Author: RuleG on Trainorders
Date: 11-22-2024 - 14:06

Stupid baboons

Yes, Gavin is a large baboonloon(sacto loons also)....but I still agree with removing CEQA-cuffs from rail projects.

Problem- "zero-emission railway projects"

•Steel making is zero-emission???

•Concrete ties - zero-emission???

•Copper - zero-emission????

•Electricity is zero-emission??? Spinning blades kill birds, mirrors zap birds and buildings, water kills delta smelt - zero-emission???

I thought the albatross in the valley(08) was already exempt from ceqa.

Maybe for putting up wire for LA -Berdo - Pinacate??? Reverse commute utopia!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Legal changes aim to streamline Californian rail electrification projects Commenter 11-22-2024 - 13:06
  Re: Legal changes aim to streamline Californian rail electrification projects RuleG on Trainorders 11-22-2024 - 14:06
  Re: Legal changes aim to streamline Californian rail electrification projects FUD 11-22-2024 - 15:58
  Re: Legal changes aim to streamline Californian rail electrification projects Zyklon B 11-22-2024 - 16:00
  Re: Legal changes aim to streamline Californian rail electrification projects Commenter 11-22-2024 - 19:12

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