The Floridian and the Clown Show once again
Author: TinFoilRonald
Date: 11-23-2024 - 14:57

Angry Joe, and Ronald are up to their old tricks.

Tinfoil promised to be a new man after Hurricane Helene…. Well that didn’t last.

Angry Joe, itches for a fight on anything from busses to Amtrak, you can bet his neighbors must love him. Joe is unhappy Amtrak did not consult on the Hurricane Sandy tunnel repairs.

Anyone know why the Steam board has been as quiet as a church mouse? Everyone there is playing nice in the sandbox. Even my go-to guy for everything from Maine two-footers to High Speed Rail. Yep that marvel to railroading… Out.

Grab some popcorn and enjoy!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  The Floridian and the Clown Show once again TinFoilRonald 11-23-2024 - 14:57
  & the brilliant, highly researched wisdom of pdt on why LA Union doesn't need run through tracks p(lease)d(elete)t(his!!!) 11-24-2024 - 20:41
  Re: & the brilliant, highly researched piles * 11-25-2024 - 00:23
  Cheap Entertainment LookBehindtheCurtain 11-25-2024 - 12:27
  Don't forget miserable nitpick crank angry LongLiveDevalSP Re: & the brilliant, highly researched piles Mad asterisk is mad 11-25-2024 - 22:34

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