Cheap Entertainment
Author: LookBehindtheCurtain
Date: 11-25-2024 - 12:27

those nut jobs over on TO just feed off each other.

They never want you to look behind the curtain as to where the money comes from, rather toss around executive bonuses like Archie Bunkers on the recliner yelling at the TV set.

Passenger trains and transit if done correctly can serve the public. And that doesn’t include catering to a bunch of old railfans @#$%& about “plated meals.”

I must admit, I am always entertained by these posts, because there is a lot of truth in them if you read between the lines.

Joe of the Angry is just unhappy on the best of all days, BUT he is extremely entertaining!!!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  The Floridian and the Clown Show once again TinFoilRonald 11-23-2024 - 14:57
  & the brilliant, highly researched wisdom of pdt on why LA Union doesn't need run through tracks p(lease)d(elete)t(his!!!) 11-24-2024 - 20:41
  Re: & the brilliant, highly researched piles * 11-25-2024 - 00:23
  Cheap Entertainment LookBehindtheCurtain 11-25-2024 - 12:27
  Don't forget miserable nitpick crank angry LongLiveDevalSP Re: & the brilliant, highly researched piles Mad asterisk is mad 11-25-2024 - 22:34

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