Re: The train coffin was reburied with a thick concrete slab over it
Author: Trudi Van Doorn
Date: 11-24-2024 - 12:39

Dalton Abbott Railway Choir (group)
The number ends with the men rolling the ladies around on dollies. The sole exception is Lee Gibson pushing Jackie Wright, but Jim Tyson pushes Gloria George, Henry McGee pushes Trudi Van Doorn, Bob Todd pushes Marian Davies, Jon Jon Keefe pushes Maggie Stredder and Benny brings up the rear with Sue Bond before a square dance round with the ladies.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  The train coffin was reburied with a thick concrete slab over it * 11-23-2024 - 17:14
  Re: The train coffin was reburied with a thick concrete slab over it Trudi Van Doorn 11-24-2024 - 12:39
  Re: The train coffin was reburied with a thick concrete slab over it Ian Flintoff 11-24-2024 - 12:53
  No, the final Mackay steam trip was December 21, 1969 Hissing steam 11-24-2024 - 13:09

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