Re: Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst Dsicusses CA High Speed Rail Project
Author: Anonymoose
Date: 11-24-2024 - 09:18
Pig farmers know they can't put lipstick on a pig but they sure can put pigs
on a train headed for market. I hear Jodi has traveled quite extensively on Iowa
HSR(that high end 50mph stuff) delivering her 4H grand prize winning
herd to various markets.
no clicks for Fox Wrote:
> What does an Iowa Senator actually know or care
> about CAHSR? Less than nothing? If they're doing
> their job, they just want to direct as much money
> as possible to Iowa rather than California, so
> they don't NEED to know anything about CAHSR other
> than where it's located - in that other (Blue)
> state (ignoring the substantial Red population in
> the area actually to be served by the first part
> constructed).