Re: Pere Marquette 1225 down, foam bummed.
Author: green (slob) horn
Date: 11-27-2024 - 16:52

Concerned Steam Fan Wrote:
> Pere Marquette 1225 came up lame on the first day
> of the north pole express trips last weekend. They
> had to use diesels on the first trip and all
> remaining trips. Apparently the 11/29 Friday train
> will be diesel powered as well.
> SRI is being tight lipped about any repairs or if
> the 1225 will be back at all this season. Some
> information as to what is being done to correct
> the problem would be nice. Supposedly there is a
> leaky super heater problem.
> Unfortunately, the 1225 does not have the best
> track record. At the 1991 NRHS convention a
> thermic syphon developed a leak in the firebox.
> NKP765 had to pull the 34-car train AND the dead
> 1225 the rest of the day on the Huntington to
> Hinton excursion. In 2009 at train festival the
> 1225 had a flue failure and drained the
> boiler and flooded the showgrounds. This resulted
> in the 765 again having to pick up the slack the
> rest of the weekend as the 1225 sat on display
> cold.

It is the storied 21st century, welcome to it. I donated $500 to 1225 last October. How much did you donate to 1225 ?

S#/+ happens on the rails, every single day.

In order: Safe course, save life and equipment, pray !

RULES only work if they are followed and good help is hard to find!

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Pere Marquette 1225 down, North Pole Express Riders highly upset. Concerned Steam Fan 11-27-2024 - 15:17
  Re: Pere Marquette 1225 down, foam bummed. green (slob) horn 11-27-2024 - 16:52
  Re: Pere Marquette 1225 down, foam bummed. BOB2 11-28-2024 - 14:59
  Re: Pere Marquette 1225 down, foam bummed. * 11-28-2024 - 22:12

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