D. B. Arthur Wrote:
> BOB2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The Metrolink Christmas Train has been returned
> after the hiatus from Covid.
> An apples-to-oranges comparison.
> The train I was referring to (see photo) allowed
> families to show up at the stations and see an
> entertaining show and a neat-looking train decked
> out in colorful lights. It was similar to what
> CPKC currently operates.
> It was FREE although people were encouraged to
> contribute a toy to a Toys-for-Tots campaign.
> The train you're talking about is quite a bit
> different. It gives people a train ride where
> they see Santa Claus and everyone is expected to
> BUY a ticket.
> [
> [
> c14a1b_b.jpg
Yeah, and a Marine like Art Brown as Santa Claus at Camp Pendleton.
Leadership like that helps, but these can be hard decisions for an agency begging for the operating funds from the County Transportation Commissions.
Nope, not as decked out, but at least it's back.
I've kind of wondered why we couldn't get more "branding" with commercial/sports/entertainment sponsorship for the Christmas train.
Next year, maybe the "Frozen" sponsored Christmas train?
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night....