Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP
Author: David Curlee
Date: 12-25-2024 - 02:27

This is very sad news. I also knew Richard and found him to be a kind, consummate gentleman. I never witnessed him in action as a Local Chairman but I imagine his steady, calm demeanor was present during investigation hearings just as it was other times.

He had a doctorate in something but was never prideful about it. I think it was actually someone else who told me that he had it.

He wrote about this in his books - one of his most memorable career events was the magnitude 7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake on October 16, 1999. He was the fireman on Amtrak #3 that morning (with engineer Ken Galusha), just a few miles from the epicenter when the earthquake hit.

I was aboard Amtrak #4 that same morning, stopped at Needles, when the earthquake hit. The whole crew on Amtrak #4 feared Richard and Kenny (and people onboard the train) were dead because that is 90 MPH track where the derailment took place. The Needles Sub dispatcher was understandably busy and wasn't saying anything on the local radio towers near Needles, so information was nearly impossible to come by. Very few people had cell phones in 1999. Buck Cleveland tried calling Glenn Morton on the Amtrak cell phone and got no answer. I think Kenny had his own cell phone and it was actually Richard who answered. I overheard parts of the call and Richard sounded like his normal self. When I talked to him later, he said the Good Lord was watching over them that day. They were not doing the normal 90 MPH because they had caught up to a freight train. Their speed was 60-something MPH. Injuries were pretty minimal and they were back to work a couple days later.

I dug up some old photos, taken in August 2005 when fellow engineer Steve Gwin was about to retire. I think that's Kell Carr with the Cubs hat on.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Richard F. Paseman, RIP D. B. Arthur 12-24-2024 - 17:25
  Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP David Curlee 12-25-2024 - 02:27
  Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP D. B. Arthur 12-25-2024 - 18:49
  Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP Hoghead 1 12-25-2024 - 06:14
  Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP R.A. Phillips 12-25-2024 - 07:44
  Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP WAF 12-25-2024 - 08:59
  Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP Bill Webb 12-25-2024 - 10:37
  Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP Mark 12-28-2024 - 14:30
  Re: Richard F. Paseman, RIP D. B. Arthur 12-28-2024 - 15:01

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