Re: Nostalgia Fans, Get Your Bricks........ Old bricks can make for a nice patio... But not to sick trolls....
Author: BOB2
Date: 12-28-2024 - 07:36
Reality Wrote:
> Because railfans just love to "preserve history"
> which ultimately leaves relatives to throw it into
> a roll-off dumpster when the guy croaks.
The only "Reality" that I see is that a sick troll got his jollies off by posting his hatred of rail fans while high on meth on a train chat board early this morning.
These 100-year-old bricks sound like some good material for a nice patio, and I wouldn't be surprised that some landscaper might even make a bid on those old bricks.
But, to a sick troll, it's just another hit on the meth pipe and a chance to post some of his train hating crap.