Re: When riding rail transit, don't stand too close to the TOMN...
Author: BOB2
Date: 01-01-2025 - 07:22

BOB 33 1/3 Wrote:
> BOB2 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The poor sad sick hate filled little boy who
> inhabits the multiple personalities of the TOMN is
> having his own special meth party for New
> Years....
> Perhaps you can explain to us how someone
> supposedly fulfills all of those descriptions just
> because they posted a link to a video of a guy
> getting run over by a subway.
> Life is harsh. Life is cruel. Don't kill the
> messenger just because he's bringing you bad news.
> Your anger should be directed at the person who
> shoved the guy onto the track --- not the guy who
> set up the surveillance camera or the guy who
> posted the video to the Internet.
> Did you also get angry and use descriptive words
> toward Abraham Zapruder, the guy who filmed JFK
> getting shot?

How much meth did the twelve-year-old boy end up doing last night?

You must have really liked that faked photoshop image...

No telling what someone like you might be capable of doing, given these weird fantasies and memes that you seem to get off on, if you were riding on a real train, right?

So, since you hate transit and trains so much, maybe you should just stay away from trains, so you don't cause any problems with the other passengers, just in case you, right?

I'm sure that no one would miss you if you chose never to ever use the Metro even once. And it might just help to free up some of those cops you hate so much, to spend their time better protecting others on-board.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Free Transit on Metro today.... BOB2 12-31-2024 - 08:32
  Re: Free Transit on Metro today.... Ben Gay 12-31-2024 - 09:11
  I hope Metro is adding extra security <> 12-31-2024 - 12:02
  Re: I hope Metro is adding extra security Janene Fruitcake 12-31-2024 - 12:26
  Be sure to wear a "dog tag" or have an ID made out of asbestos BOB 33 1/3 12-31-2024 - 13:17
  Ther burnt woman was homeless? Who will her next of kin sue? <> 12-31-2024 - 13:53
  When riding the light rail trains, don't stand too close to the tracks. Little Boy Blue Line 12-31-2024 - 13:27
  Re: Has the TOMN has scored more meth.... Happy New Years! Meanwhile, in the fact-based universe, on the actual trains... BOB2 12-31-2024 - 14:10
  Re: Has the TOMN has scored more meth.... Happy New Years! Meanwhile, in the fact-based universe, on the actual trains... Little Boy Blue Line 12-31-2024 - 14:26
  Re: Has the TOMN has scored more meth.... Happy New Years! Meanwhile, in the fact-based universe, on the actual trains... BOB2 12-31-2024 - 16:38
  Re: Has the TOMN scored more BLAH BLAH BLAH Little Boy Blue Line 12-31-2024 - 17:40
  Re: When riding rail transit, don't stand too close to the "libsoftiktok" Error 7 12-31-2024 - 19:30
  Re: When riding rail transit, don't stand too close Little Boy Blue Line 12-31-2024 - 19:59
  Re: When riding rail transit, don't stand too close-Yes, you are a sick little boy who never grew up BOB2 01-01-2025 - 00:34
  Re: When riding rail transit, don't stand too close BLAH BLAH BLAH BOB 33 1/3 01-01-2025 - 02:32
  Re: When riding rail transit, don't stand too close to the TOMN... BOB2 01-01-2025 - 07:22
  Mind the gap, beware the third rail, be alert to your "zone" ! Fool's Paradise Cage 01-01-2025 - 08:55

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