Re: Has Service on the St. Charles Streetcar Line Been Interrupted By The Radicalized Muslim Terrorist Attack?
Author: Your Tax Dollars At Work
Date: 01-01-2025 - 15:43

St. Charles Streetcar Line has hundreds of police, fire, government, fuel tankers, food trucks, and other investigators blocking the line
Might be that way for a few days $$$$$$
Meantime on the NOL Earthcam the French Quarter is empty except for a cop or 2 or 3 on every corner and last nights garbage is still on the streets

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Has Service on the St. Charles Streetcar Line Been Interrupted By The Radicalized Muslim Terrorist Attack? BOB 33 1/3 01-01-2025 - 14:03
  Re: Has Service on the St. Charles Streetcar Line Been Interrupted By The Radicalized Muslim Terrorist Attack? Your Tax Dollars At Work 01-01-2025 - 15:43

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