Married Norfolk Southern CEO Alan Shaw fired over ‘inappropriate’ relationship with employee
Author: East Palestinian
Date: 01-03-2025 - 03:15

Not exactly news as it happened four months ago. Apparently "Little Alan" wasn't able to behave himself. Both were married to other people and he has four kids. She was fired too.

He had an affair with the “executive vice president of corporate affairs.” You can’t make this s h i t up. Lol.

Someone misunderstood their job title.

After loss of income and the alimony and child support calculations are computed, I think it's easy to say this was a pretty expensive piece of a s s and, in my opinion, certainly not worth it. If you're going to place everything on the line, at least do it with someone who's a "10."

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Married Norfolk Southern CEO Alan Shaw fired over ‘inappropriate’ relationship with employee East Palestinian 01-03-2025 - 03:15
  Yup Romeo 01-03-2025 - 10:39
  Re: Yup Dr Phil 01-04-2025 - 02:25
  Re: Yup Wow 01-05-2025 - 04:05
  I’ve stuck my mighty meat in worse… BOB2 01-08-2025 - 13:21

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