Fullerton Ca airport incident, BNSF third district track & time restriction all tracks
Author: Two events, not one - not related
Date: 01-03-2025 - 10:10

***** Wrote:
> 2pm yesterday
> Foolish pilot tried to return to the airport
> instead of looking for an alternate place to land
> Killed him and his daughter
> Heavily damaged a furniture building business
> (Causing millions in damage)
> Injured 16
> Halted trains for a period of time

The third had track and time restriction that had nothing to do with plane°go°bust (terminal event).

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Plane crash, Fullerton Ca, Next to the BNSF San Bernardino Sub ***** 01-03-2025 - 09:33
  Fullerton Ca airport incident, BNSF third district track & time restriction all tracks Two events, not one - not related 01-03-2025 - 10:10
  Re: Fullerton Ca airport incident, BNSF third district track & time restriction all tracks George Andrews 01-04-2025 - 09:47

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