Re: The good news, and the bad, for this week on the GL ... and that other Gold Line
Author: FUD
Date: 01-04-2025 - 18:00

The long-running (messed up several times) widening project on Sacramento's Gold Line officially opens for service tomorrow, Jan 5. The project that was built is only 1/2 of what they got environmental clearance for, but they think it's enough to start running 15-minute service all the way to the end of the line in Folsom.

Since the line was built in 2005, it's been 1/2 hour service beyond Sunrise because they ran out of money and completed the line as single track. So 15 minute service ended at Sunrise with every other train turning back there. The IRA and various Covid funds funded a passing track through the Glenn station in Folsom so theoretically they can now push trains to the end every 15. We'll see how that works once real people start riding it - the ED also included extending the double track through the Hazel station, which has not been done - but for now the startup is good news - no more shuttle bus for the last 2 stops!

BTW, TODGod did a 2-parter on the Sacramento light rail system. Didn't diss it TOO badly, unlike some others that have looked at it. Did joke at the station on the south (Blue) line that is literally inaccessible - despite a good-sized p&r lot, the only way to get there is on a bicycle path that's dirt-tracking for part of the way from the nearest actual road. Good laugh, but it's just built way ahead of the big residential project just getting started on adjacent land - because some money fell into RT's hands to build the station when the CRC extension was built and they didn't feel like handing it back.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  The good news, and the bad, for this week on the GL BOB2 01-04-2025 - 11:10
  Re: The good news, and the bad, for this week on the GL Poor working stiff 01-04-2025 - 15:15
  Re: The good news, and the bad, for this week on the GL ... and that other Gold Line FUD 01-04-2025 - 18:00

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