In other news...
Author: Walter Crankcase
Date: 01-07-2025 - 09:26

Guess what? Even more people were stabbed or shot, and they were nowhere NEAR a railroad.

It's a tough world out there, Pookie.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Man stabbed on Metro-North train after asking dirtbag to stop blaring music "Hay Boomer!" whined Gen Lazy 01-06-2025 - 21:46
  Abdul, a real pile of Stool <> 01-07-2025 - 07:09
  In other news... Walter Crankcase 01-07-2025 - 09:26
  I see the SCUbafoamer commie also likes to use the "Muh Boomer!" insult STFU Liarwanna 01-07-2025 - 12:57
  Re: I see the SCUbafoamer commie also likes to use the "Muh Boomer!" insult Barbara Walters 01-07-2025 - 17:07
  Re: I see the SCUbafoamer commie also likes to use the "Muh Boomer!" insult BOB2 01-13-2025 - 13:08

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