Re: Update? - Public Transit - Food Distro
Author: R.H.
Date: 01-12-2025 - 16:47

watcher Wrote:
> Public Transit Update
> Metro reports service impacts to some bus and rail
> lines on Wednesday, Jan. 8, due to high winds and
> wildfires. They have suspended fares for the
> remainder of today and Thursday (Jan. 8-9).
> Shuttle buses replace trains in both directions on
> A Line between Southwest Museum and Fillmore
> stations due to wind damage to overhead wires.
> ALLOW EXTRA TIME. This will continue into
> Thursday, Jan. 9. Bus Lines 134 and 602 are
> canceled due to the fire in the Palisades area.
> There are detours on Bus Lines 2, 4, 33, 180, 217,
> 218, 222, 224, 235, 236, 261, 267, 296, 660, 662 &
> 690. Metro Micro service north of Washington and
> Sierra Madre Blvd. and west of 210 freeway in
> Pasadena and Altadena is canceled.
> Pasadena Transit and Dial-A-Ride service is
> suspended on Thursday January 9, 2025. Pasadena
> Dial-A-Ride will still continue essential medical
> pick-ups, conditions permitting). Depending on
> conditions, service will resume on Friday January
> 10, 2025.
> From data stream at Watch Duty:
> []

World Central Kitchen (WCK) is serving free meals to those affected, including first responders, at the Palisades Fire Station 69 located at 15045 Sunset Blvd, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272, USA.

Time of service is from 11am to 8pm today, January 12, 2025.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  LA news choppers grounded for TFR, bcuz Sh!thead-In-Chief insisted on coming to Santa Monica despite fire risk predicted for days per KCAL 01-07-2025 - 23:12
  Re: LA news choppers grounded for TFR, bcuz Sh!thead-In-Chief insisted on coming to Santa Monica despite fire risk predicted for days Oh My 01-08-2025 - 02:21
  Re: LA news choppers NOT grounded for the TFR this morning, because the POS TOMN is getting his jollies off over this tragedy..... ML has not yet issued advisories for AV Line and inbound AM trains are operating, as of this post. BOB2 01-08-2025 - 06:44
  Re: LA news choppers NOT grounded for the TFR this morning, because the POS TOMN is getting his jollies off over this tragedy..... ML has not yet issued advisories for AV Line and inbound AM trains are operating, as of this post. BOB2 01-08-2025 - 08:20
  Re: I see that David pulled your other mentally ill sexual predator troll fake BOB2 post getting your sick sexual thrills over this tragedy..... BOB2 01-08-2025 - 08:45
  Re: I see that David pulled your other mentally ill sexual predator troll fake BOB2 post getting your sick sexual thrills over this tragedy..... Observer 01-08-2025 - 08:49
  Re: I see that David pulled your other mentally ill sexual predator troll fake BOB2 post getting your sick sexual thrills over this tragedy..... Mechanic 01-08-2025 - 09:17
  1. I am not TOMN 2. The TFR grounding news choppers was last night, nice bait n switch try 3. Here are the TFRs per KCAL and FAA 01-08-2025 - 16:50
  Re: 1. I am not TOMN 2. The TFR grounding news choppers was last night, nice bait n switch try 3. Here are the TFRs just for jollies 01-08-2025 - 17:01
  Re: LA news choppers grounded for TFR, bcuz Sh!thead-In-Chief insisted on coming to Santa Monica despite fire risk predicted for days watcher 01-08-2025 - 18:12
  Update? News at 7 01-09-2025 - 04:43
  Re: Update? - Public Transit Update via Watch Duty watcher 01-09-2025 - 09:01
  Re: Update? - Public Transit - Food Distro R.H. 01-12-2025 - 16:47
  Re: Update? - Public Transit - Food Distro watcher 01-12-2025 - 18:59

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