Re: Meanwhile, for the folks who like trains? In that windstorm in Altadena, nothing was safe
Author: BOB2
Date: 01-10-2025 - 06:18

VC 2 Wrote:
> Is our world class trolley museum safe from the
> current fires from Hell?

With a firestorm like we had on Tuesday night, in Altadena and Pasadena, sparked and caught on camera, by a down high-tension power tower, driven by 75 mph. hurricane force winds, which had already been blowing debris for twelve hours, and then catching on fire, nothing is safe. Within less than fifteen minutes of the fire being reported I could see 100-foot flames on Henniger Flats above Eaton Canyon, from my home almost five miles away.

Burning palm fronds in hurricane winds blew through the air and landed up to one mile away. The flaming blown giant burning fronds could be seen flying through the sky. These landed on roofs, leave piles, blown down trees, blown down wooden fences (including a brand-new fence, and four other old ones within one block of my own home), other palm trees, and sparked hundreds and hundreds of spot fires.

This once in a "decade" (I've frankly never seen wind like this, and I was born in the former hospital, now a rest home, that burned down) windstorm itself would have been (and for many folks untouched by the fire will be) a major insurance claim.

Fortunately, the winds coming in again today, will not be nearly as strong. So, today the helicopters and planes can fly (if some of the morons can keep from flying their drones in restricted air space and not hitting the Super Scoopers).

The flat open terrain, good clearance, and less wind would/should be much easier to handle than this nearly 36-hour hurricane speed wind event on Tuesday and Wednesday was.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Meanwhile, for the folks who like trains- Free LA Metro Service today. BOB2 01-09-2025 - 09:09
  Re: Meanwhile, for the folks who like trains VC 2 01-10-2025 - 00:41
  Re: Meanwhile, for the folks who like trains? In that windstorm in Altadena, nothing was safe BOB2 01-10-2025 - 06:18
  In that windstorm in Altadena, your claim ain't safe. On your knees! 01-11-2025 - 14:12

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