Is This Train Northbound or Southbound?
Author: San Francisco del Rincon Jose
Date: 01-28-2025 - 19:18

If this video was shot during the Biden administration, it appears to be a FerroMex train with BNSF equipment hauling a bunch of illegal aliens (oh, excuse me! I meant to say "undocumented U.S. Government-benefit recipients") NORTHBOUND to the U.S. border.

If this video was shot during the Trump administration, it appears to be a FerroMex train with BNSF equipment hauling a bunch of illegal aliens (oh, excuse me! I meant to say "undocumented U.S. Government-benefit recipients") SOUTHBOUND from the U.S. border as they are self-deporting before Tom Homan and ICE get a hold of them.

Is anyone here familiar enough with Mexico to determine which direction this train is operating?


Also, here's a political cartoon that some readers might find interesting:

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Is This Train Northbound or Southbound? San Francisco del Rincon Jose 01-28-2025 - 19:18

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