Re: Stockton shoot out?
Author: BOB2-
Date: 01-30-2025 - 09:43

Not safe any more Wrote:
> Ok I think railroad police earn their pay.
> Union Pacific police in a shooting in Stockton.
> []-
> with-union-pacific-railroad-police-stockton/103-e9
> 395f9a-0953-4f52-8f1a-b019facf9cd3
> Stockton city police takes pride in not enforcing
> immigration laws. Huh?
> []
> 21/stockton-police-we-take-pride-in-not-enforcing-
> immigration-laws/

Given the recent reported cuts at UP, I'm surprised that UP could still afford to provide live ammunition for their police.

Maybe when we actually find out what really happened, we won't have to depend on these creative troll interpretations and/or goofy memes?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Stockton shoot out Not safe any more 01-29-2025 - 22:30
  Re: Stockton shoot out Justin Marsh 01-29-2025 - 23:23
  Re: Stockton shoot out Disgusted 01-30-2025 - 03:37
  Re: Stockton shoot out? BOB2- 01-30-2025 - 09:43
  Re: Stockton shoot out-Try this link-tresspasser shot at UP cop. BOB2- 01-30-2025 - 12:33
  Re: Stockton shoot out-Try this link-tresspasser shot at UP cop. Bess Marvin 01-30-2025 - 13:42

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