Re: Batteries ARE included
Author: mook
Date: 10-22-2009 - 12:18

The hybrid, battery, etc. switchers seem like a return to the original application for diesels - extending the operating range of battery-electric switchers in places like Westside of NYC or large industrial operations. Though RRs aren't in that type of retail traffic anymore so things are bigger and have to go farther than the olde stuff.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Batteries ARE included Robert 10-20-2009 - 06:21
  Re: Batteries ARE included Hunkiedoo 10-20-2009 - 08:47
  Re: Batteries ARE included Graham Buxton 10-20-2009 - 16:54
  Re: Batteries ARE included mook 10-22-2009 - 12:18

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