Re: Railwork Near Coast Guard Island
Author: OPRRMS
Date: 02-05-2010 - 19:47

Chad Wrote:

> Any relation to the roadwork on I-880?


As part of Caltrans' "Oak to 5th" project to replace the existing freeway overpass in the 5th Avenue area, a temporary shoofly for I-880 will be built west of the existing freeway, requiring the existing trackage along Embarcadero to be removed starting approximately where the Lake Merritt inlet is southward to approximately 9th Avenue. Consequently, UP is rebuilding the trackage on the old "Alameda Main" along Fruitvale Avenue and the "Pac Steel Lead" heading north on Glascock then continuing north towards the Embarcadero (both of which have been out of service except for emergency movements for several years), so that the customers between 29th Avenue and Dennison can be served from the south instead of the north. The residents along Glascock ain't happy campers about it. Click here for more info: []

As info, UP will be renewing the 29th Avenue grade crossing at the foot of the Park Street Bridge over the course of the next several weekends, so expect traffic delays if you're headed that way.

Also, work should've stared this week on removal of the sand towers at the West Oakland Diesel Shop. If you drive by on the freeway you might notice the changes.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Railwork Near Coast Guard Island Chad 02-03-2010 - 21:59
  Re: Railwork Near Coast Guard Island OPRRMS 02-05-2010 - 19:47

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