Re: Strange film- RR by James Benning
Author: Eric Swanger
Date: 02-04-2010 - 17:31

He totally could have made his point in a much shorter amount of time. But honestly, I wanted it to be longer. More places, more trains. I'm hoping for a sequel. :) That's just me though.

But yes, it was maybe too long. 80 minutes would have done the trick. What what to cut?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Strange film- RR by James Benning beverlyhelper 02-04-2010 - 00:10
  Re: Strange film- RR by James Benning Eric Swanger 02-04-2010 - 09:13
  Re: Strange film- RR by James Benning beverlyhelper 02-04-2010 - 12:08
  Re: Strange film- RR by James Benning Eric Swanger 02-04-2010 - 17:31
  Re: Strange film- RR by James Benning beverlyhelper 02-04-2010 - 20:21
  Re: Strange film- RR by James Benning Eric Swanger 02-05-2010 - 05:08

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