North Coast Limited, 4-68
Author: Steve Thompson
Date: 02-12-2010 - 18:34

I was very lucky to have the chance to ride the NP's premier train, the North Coast Limited, from East Auburn to St. Paul and return, during spring vacation in 1968. I had a pre-WWII Rollei, a roll of Agfachrome slide film and 3 rolls of Tri-X, along with several rolls of 8mm movie film. My best shots were the movies, but I got a few good black and whites as well. Here's my favorite.

North Coast Limited, April 1968 at Pasco Washington, eastbound. Photographed from the dome around midnight at Pasco, as the Portland cars are added to the train. My brother and I had a 2 bed roomette, very cozy most of the time, although we really spent a lot of the time in the dome. We got on the train in East Auburn on a balmy 68 degree spring day, we got of the train in St. Paul, -7 and blowing! The 2nd night, out in the badlands, we'd had the vent open to let fresh air in the room during the day. It froze open at -15, the steam heat line also froze. Then, we hit a ........SKUNK! We spent the night in the dome with blankets! At 17, this just was part of the adventure.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  North Coast Limited, 4-68 Steve Thompson 02-12-2010 - 18:34
  Re: North Coast Limited, 4-68 Photobob 02-12-2010 - 20:28
  Re: North Coast Limited, 4-68 Railpax71 02-12-2010 - 20:47
  Re: North Coast Limited, 4-68 WAF 02-13-2010 - 12:22
  Baggage carts at Pasco d 02-12-2010 - 22:36

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