Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal
Author: Jim
Date: 01-30-2020 - 12:11

Matt K Wrote:
> I know most if not all of you have seen the full
> page ads placed in recent issues of Trains by a
> Diane S. Segal. Each ad containing railroad
> related poetry and verse, all pertaining to the C
> and O or affiliated companies, each page dedicated
> to Ms Segal's mother Dorothy. I have done some
> googling but the only things that came up were the
> same questions being asked on other forumns as to
> exactly who Ms Segal is and why the memorial
> poems. I did find references listing her as the
> author of several articles for the C and O
> Historical Society.
> Anyone know the story behind these "memorial ads"?
> Ive looked thru every issue of Trains for some
> sort of editorial explanation but I havent found a
> thing. They may not need to explain if its a
> privately paid ad, but still. On the other hand
> full page ads, even in a lower circulation
> perodical like Trains must still be pretty pricey.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  The Mystery of Diane S. Segal Matt K 05-23-2007 - 14:12
  Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal Carol L. Voss 05-23-2007 - 18:16
  Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal Matt K 05-24-2007 - 07:37
  Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal Tom R 08-31-2007 - 13:28
  Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal steve r 09-18-2007 - 23:35
  Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal srjeff 10-04-2007 - 18:33
  Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal Jeff B 02-07-2009 - 00:49
  Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal Noel C 04-29-2009 - 14:40
  Re: The Mystery of Diane S. Segal Jim 01-30-2020 - 12:11

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