Re: SN passenger in MW work
Author: Mahatma Kane Jeeves
Date: 09-07-2010 - 08:40

OA&E 1019, SF-S 1019, SN 1019, SNMW 301, SNMW 81 in that order -- it's the only Hall-Scott to have the air gong mounted on the dash. It's conversion from motor MW 301 to kitchen car MW 81 was the last big job done by Mulberry Shops c1947 (the 1020 became MW 302, retained for tunnel inspection, and was demotorized around 1954 and converted into a bunk car). Currently the car is at RVJ in a rather sad state.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  SN passenger in MW work Thad McKinney 09-06-2010 - 23:33
  Re: SN passenger in MW work Captain Underpants 09-07-2010 - 04:40
  Re: SN passenger in MW work Mahatma Kane Jeeves 09-07-2010 - 08:40
  Re: SN passenger in MW work Thad McKinney 09-07-2010 - 21:55

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