Re: UP Officer's special coast line
Author: Steve Sloan
Date: 03-04-2011 - 20:01

The ballast was very light colored and the sun was very high in the sky. That's why I got up on the bridge. The best way to deal with top light is to shoot down with it. Fortunately the train was heading south and the sun is still in the south.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP Officer's special coast line Steve Sloan 03-04-2011 - 17:06
  Re: UP Officer's special coast line Carol L. Voss 03-04-2011 - 17:47
  Re: UP Officer's special coast line Steve Sloan 03-04-2011 - 20:01
  Re: UP Officer's special coast line Sam Reeves 03-04-2011 - 21:24
  Re: UP Officer's special coast line wsabo 03-06-2011 - 13:09
  Re: UP Officer's special coast line P.Kepler 03-06-2011 - 21:28

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