Re: Watsonville Wig-Wag/Santa Cruz
Author: P. Diurni
Date: 08-20-2007 - 23:35

Was in Santa Cruz last weekend and there are two Wig-Wags still wigging and wagging just north of the boardwalk on The Big Trees, street running portion. Lovely.
P. Diurni

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Watsonville Wig-Wag Sam Reeves 08-20-2007 - 19:58
  Re: Watsonville Wig-Wag Q 08-20-2007 - 22:22
  Re: Watsonville Wig-Wag/Santa Cruz P. Diurni 08-20-2007 - 23:35
  Re: Watsonville Wig-Wag/Santa Cruz douglasm 08-21-2007 - 13:13
  Tacoma wigwags Dick Seelye 08-21-2007 - 23:41
  Re: pt richmond ca wigwags dave 08-22-2007 - 11:14
  Re: Tacoma wigwags Anthony Germano 08-22-2007 - 20:11
  Re: Tacoma wigwags redlynx 08-24-2007 - 17:59
  Re: Watsonville Wig-Wag/Santa Cruz Sam Reeves 08-24-2007 - 14:47
  Re: Watsonville Wig-Wag/Santa Cruz Norm Olaine 08-24-2007 - 19:21
  Re: Watsonville Wig-Wag/Santa Cruz/Sam Peter Diurni 08-26-2007 - 13:21

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