Re: SP Oxnard Depot
Author: Dick Dorn
Date: 09-01-2012 - 20:23

My guess is that this is not an ex-SP station as it would have to have 12 foot walls and those walls don't look like 12 feet to me. Unless something was cut off the bottom. Plus whatever that roof line is in the front that is not part of a SP station. That would have to be an add on. I think there are too many things not falling in place to be the real station. That is my best guess. Have to see if there are any old photos around somewhere of the orginal depot.

Dick Dorn

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  SP Oxnard Depot Freericks 08-31-2012 - 11:56
  Re: SP Oxnard Depot Pdxrailtransit 08-31-2012 - 12:12
  Re: SP Oxnard Depot Dick Dorn 09-01-2012 - 20:23

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