Re: Wallowa Union Senic Railway
Author: Tony Johnson
Date: 10-11-2012 - 20:51

Adding to what Drew wrote, besides the lien on #19, it also needs repairs to make it operable. With little or no money in the till, the future is very cloudy.

Drew Jacksich Wrote:
> At one point, the Wallowa was shut down completely
> due to fire danger so I doubt a steam locomotive
> would be welcomed by local fire officials. As far
> as I know, #19 is still in Yreka and unable to
> leave due to a lien that had been placed on the
> locomotive as well as real property of the Yreka
> Western. October 31st may still be a good date
> just not 2012, or 2013, or...

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Wallowa Union Senic Railway Bud Nelson 10-11-2012 - 11:18
  Re: Wallowa Union Senic Railway Drew Jacksich 10-11-2012 - 11:39
  Re: Wallowa Union Senic Railway Tony Johnson 10-11-2012 - 20:51
  Re: Wallowa Union Senic Railway Kenn 11-10-2012 - 11:44
  Let's not perpetuate typos D 10-11-2012 - 14:54
  Re: Let's not perpetuate typos Bill K. 10-11-2012 - 19:49
  Dear "D" E.H. Scaryman 10-11-2012 - 19:54
  Wallowa Union S(c)enic Railway Jeff Moore 10-11-2012 - 19:59
  Re: Wallowa Union S(c)enic Railway Arlen Sheldrake 10-11-2012 - 21:33
  Re: Wallowa Union S(c)enic Railway Henry Kisor 10-12-2012 - 05:27
  Re: Wallowa Union S(c)enic Railway Graham Buxton 10-12-2012 - 06:13
  Re: Wallowa Union S(c)enic Railway Jim 10-12-2012 - 18:59
  Re: Wallowa Union S(c)enic Railway Henry Kisor 10-13-2012 - 04:07

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