Winter Storms & The Santa Cruz Branch Line
Author: Howard
Date: 12-01-2012 - 08:57

There is a good chance the line will see downed tree limbs between MP 4.0 and MP 15.5 with tomorrow’s heavy rain and winds. Below are a few photographs I have taken within the last two years. Gives new meaning to the term branch line.

Hopefully the line will not see any washouts.


At the same time as the line was being washed out at Estates Drive I was shooting the flooding in Capitola. I never want to see this happen again.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Winter Storms & The Santa Cruz Branch Line Howard 12-01-2012 - 08:57
  Re: Winter Storms & The Santa Cruz Branch Line Jon 12-01-2012 - 20:21
  Re: Winter Storms & The Santa Cruz Branch Line Milw-E74 12-01-2012 - 20:45
  Tree Down In Aptos Howard 12-02-2012 - 16:48
  Re: Tree Down In Aptos That Guy With The Genset 12-03-2012 - 09:27

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