Metal Detecting
Author: Pdxrailtransit
Date: 02-02-2013 - 16:44

If I knew the exact spot, it just might be worthwhile to rent a metal detector and see what you could find buried in that wash.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Crawlin' From the Wreckage Pdxrailtransit 02-02-2013 - 14:51
  Re: Crawlin' From the Wreckage Craig Tambo 02-02-2013 - 15:12
  Thanks Craig! Pdxrailtransit 02-02-2013 - 15:25
  Accident report for the Planada collision OPRRMS 02-02-2013 - 21:47
  Re: Crawlin' From the Wreckage Milw-E74 02-02-2013 - 16:01
  Re: Crawlin' From the Wreckage Fred 02-02-2013 - 16:40
  Metal Detecting Pdxrailtransit 02-02-2013 - 16:44

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