SP in the tv movie
Author: SP fan
Date: 02-03-2013 - 14:22

In Steven Spielberg's tv movie Duel, did Mr. Spielberg hire the SP train for his movie or
did he make a deal with the SP? Where are SP tracks used in the movie?

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  SP in the tv movie SP fan 02-03-2013 - 14:22
  Re: SP in the tv movie Dmac844 02-03-2013 - 14:43
  Re: SP in the tv movie WAF 02-03-2013 - 15:51
  Re: Don't have an answer to the question, BUT... Film Head & Track Head 02-03-2013 - 15:51
  Re: SP in Film & TV Film Head & Track Head 02-03-2013 - 15:54
  Re: SP in Film & TV George Andrews 02-03-2013 - 17:14
  Re: SP in Film & TV Pdxrailtransit 02-03-2013 - 17:28
  Re: SP in Film & TV WAF 02-03-2013 - 17:37
  Re: SP in the tv movie MJR 02-03-2013 - 20:03
  Re: SP in the tv movie George Andrews 02-04-2013 - 17:23
  Re: SP in the tv movie Q 02-08-2013 - 11:44

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