Re: How to handle a trespasser?
Author: Fish net fisherman
Date: 06-09-2013 - 08:58

Yes, she will need it, because when the 3:15 express comes through, she will no longer have a leg to stand on.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  How to handle a trespasser? ex-BN 06-09-2013 - 08:41
  Re: How to handle a trespasser? Fish net fisherman 06-09-2013 - 08:58
  Re: How to handle a trespasser? Lionel 06-09-2013 - 10:45
  Re: How to handle a trespasser? Tony Johnson 06-09-2013 - 18:13
  She is very naughty! She needs a good hard deep spanking! HE HE HE 06-14-2013 - 09:13

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