UP 3985
Author: John West
Date: 01-02-2014 - 09:38

Sorting through some old boxes of slides yesterday and I found this. Cheyenne, October 1984. This was the first time I had seen the 3985. The following day she took an excursion roundtrip to Laramie in an early season snow storm. Beautiful engine, hope she runs again someday.



Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP 3985 John West 01-02-2014 - 09:38
  Re: UP 3985 Darren 01-02-2014 - 13:06
  Re: UP 3985 Tom Moungovan 01-02-2014 - 13:12
  Re: UP 3985 SP fan 01-02-2014 - 13:36
  Re: UP 3985 Chimera 01-02-2014 - 14:36
  Re: UP 3985 Tom Moungovan 01-02-2014 - 15:16
  Re: UP 3985 Rich Hunn 01-02-2014 - 17:46
  Re: UP 3985 Mike Stimpson 01-03-2014 - 11:03

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