Re: Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch
Author: Carol L. Voss
Date: 02-27-2014 - 09:12

What does his plan to build a new factory have to to with the Tejon Ranch? apparently he isn't building it there and I hadn't heard that it was for sale. What am I missing here?? :-)

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch synonymouse 02-26-2014 - 12:46
  Re: Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch AP reader 02-26-2014 - 13:21
  Re: Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch pdxrailtransit 02-26-2014 - 14:16
  Re: Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch HUTCH 7.62 02-26-2014 - 21:46
  Re: Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch Carol L. Voss 02-27-2014 - 09:12
  Re: Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch BOB R 02-27-2014 - 10:45
  Re: Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch Steve Robertson 03-01-2014 - 21:29
  Re: Elon Musk made enough money in one day to buy the Tejon Ranch Rich Hunn 02-27-2014 - 12:40
  Time to rebuld the Carson and Colorado? HUTCH 7.62 02-27-2014 - 15:04
  Re: Time to rebuld the Carson and Colorado? Rich Hunn 02-27-2014 - 15:15

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