Re: SP still alive in San Jose
Author: HUTCH 7.62
Date: 03-01-2014 - 15:17

Forbes Mill Wrote:
> New Felton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I want this one:
> >
> > []
> >
> > Think enough paint remover could salvage it?
> Just buy one off eBay or whatever...

I once belonged to the long defunct Palo Alto Model Railroad Club, when I was a teenagerPAMRRC

Anyways there was this member around 1996-97 who's DAD hung him upside down by his ankles to steal one of those orange SP signs from the 101 overpass near the SJ airport. with a hammer and a flathead screwdriver.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  SP still alive in San Jose SP fan 02-28-2014 - 13:19
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose New Felton 02-28-2014 - 13:34
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose Bill 02-28-2014 - 14:58
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose Drew Jacksich 02-28-2014 - 15:13
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose HUTCH 7.62 02-28-2014 - 15:31
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose New Felton 02-28-2014 - 16:00
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose HUTCH 7.62 02-28-2014 - 22:36
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose Forbes Mill 03-01-2014 - 11:11
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose HUTCH 7.62 03-01-2014 - 15:17
  Re: SP still alive in San Jose Bill 02-28-2014 - 20:38

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