Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers
Author: Ken Shattock (KRK)
Date: 01-13-2016 - 17:08

If you don't like "rail mergers" Mr. Fritz---- then give us fans back our beloved SP and WP...

By the way, if CP in successful with the NS merger, I don't believe you'll ever see
NW 611 or any other STEAM, ever again !!


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers HUTCH 7.62 01-13-2016 - 13:08
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers ron 01-13-2016 - 14:26
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers Pdxrailtransit 01-13-2016 - 15:20
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers crmeatball 01-13-2016 - 16:01
  Future Rail Mergers J 01-13-2016 - 16:30
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers Ken Shattock (KRK) 01-13-2016 - 17:08
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers BOB2 01-13-2016 - 17:42
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers George Andrews 01-13-2016 - 19:06
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers synonymouse 01-13-2016 - 21:30
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers Kmattg 01-15-2016 - 21:11
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers George Andrews 01-17-2016 - 12:24
  Re: UP will do whatever it takes to stop future rail mergers mook 01-17-2016 - 14:16

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