Demoro's Hypothetical
Author: BatmanvSuperman
Date: 04-11-2016 - 01:05

PRetty great to see Ted Wurm on videotape. Great photos.

I don't think the electric systems would've survived much longer past WWII even if they had somehow been kept going for the duration.

Private companies owned the lines. Public had to buy them or pay to run them and that wouldn't have happened in 1945. Maybe 1960.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Bay Area Transit Ken Shattock (KRK) 04-10-2016 - 18:33
  Re: Bay Area Transit Negin 04-10-2016 - 19:20
  Re: Bay Area Transit stash 04-10-2016 - 20:35
  Re: Bay Area Transit Margaret (SP fan) 04-10-2016 - 20:58
  Re: Bay Area Transit clipper841 04-10-2016 - 21:50
  Re: Bay Area Transit WebDigger 04-10-2016 - 23:19
  Re: Bay Area Transit mook 04-13-2016 - 07:11
  Demoro's Hypothetical BatmanvSuperman 04-11-2016 - 01:05
  Re: Demoro's Hypothetical The Man With No Name 04-11-2016 - 04:08
  Re:George Watson Ken Shattock (KRK) 04-11-2016 - 04:28
  Re: Re:George Watson Ken Shattock (KRK) 04-11-2016 - 06:42
  Re: Re:George Watson Rio 04-20-2018 - 01:20
  Re: Re:George Watson Ray Williams 06-27-2020 - 09:20
  Re: Bay Area Transit Don Mccuaig k 10-02-2019 - 15:28

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