Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update
Author: T.A
Date: 07-19-2016 - 18:12

I believe they wanted to extend operations down to Bellevue, but Kirkland wanted to build their little trail project instead. Not there was much left to serve in Bellevue, I'm not sure if the Safeway Bakery is still in operation which I believe was the last customer in Bellevue when BNSF pulled out.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update Ed W. 07-19-2016 - 04:57
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update T.A 07-19-2016 - 11:47
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update An Observer 07-19-2016 - 16:36
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update T.A 07-19-2016 - 18:12
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update Ed W. 07-19-2016 - 19:05
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update BN Oly 07-19-2016 - 21:00
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update George Andrews 07-19-2016 - 21:05
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update Joe Magruder 07-20-2016 - 07:09
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update Joe E. Albert 07-20-2016 - 17:54
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update George Andrews 07-20-2016 - 20:33
  Re: Eastside Freight Railway (Woodinville, WA) update BN Oly 07-20-2016 - 21:16
  Running now (Th, 11 am) Wood-ville 07-21-2016 - 10:54
  Re: Running now (Th, 11 am) Wood-ville 07-21-2016 - 11:01
  Re: Running now (Th, 11 am) wood-ville 07-22-2016 - 10:57
  Re: World Class Trail "numbskulls" Jim 07-25-2016 - 09:04
  Re: World Class Trail "numbskulls" Wood-ville 07-25-2016 - 11:59
  Re: World Class Trail "numbskulls" Jim 07-25-2016 - 13:31
  Re: World Class Trail "numbskulls" Wood-ville 07-25-2016 - 13:41

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