Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine
Author: HUTCH 7.62
Date: 10-17-2016 - 18:06

Wada Corntree Wrote:
> HUTCH 7.62 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Who would if thought. That happened back in the
> > good ole days of G.W. Bush. Made so much money
> > back then, in my 20's. A pale comparison of the
> > last eight.
> Clinton's made more and are still making more

This! I swear The Hildebeast is sprayed dailey with Teflon....

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine likes trains 10-14-2016 - 17:14
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine HUTCH 7.62 10-14-2016 - 20:50
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine George II 10-15-2016 - 06:59
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine E9A 10-15-2016 - 11:42
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine up833 10-15-2016 - 14:45
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine A Railfan 10-15-2016 - 16:55
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine HUTCH 7.62 10-15-2016 - 21:07
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine Wada Corntree 10-17-2016 - 10:54
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine HUTCH 7.62 10-17-2016 - 18:06
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine Parah Salin 10-18-2016 - 21:50
  Re: UP 3985 -- quite a smoke machine Joe Conforte 10-19-2016 - 20:16

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