Re: Make the most of this garbage election by voting for better trains and buses
Author: George Andrews
Date: 11-07-2016 - 17:05

One correction regarding the Sound Transit 3 ballot measure for Seattle & surrounding areas: The new taxes do not expire in 15 years. In fact the measure does not provide for any definite expiration for funding. Also, the ST 3 Taxes are in addition to existing taxes already being collected.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Make the most of this garbage election by voting for better trains and buses News at Noon 11-07-2016 - 15:47
  Re: Make the most of this garbage election by voting for better trains and buses Pdxrailtransit 11-07-2016 - 16:03
  Re: Make the most of this garbage election by voting for better trains and buses Pdxrailtransit 11-07-2016 - 16:05
  Re: Make the most of this garbage election by voting for better trains and buses George Andrews 11-07-2016 - 17:05
  Re: Make the most of this garbage election by voting for better trains and buses Wornflats 11-07-2016 - 17:41
  Re: Make the most of this garbage election by voting for better trains and buses GN Goat 11-08-2016 - 02:33
  You too can be totally dependent on the government for your ride. Glenn 11-08-2016 - 09:29
  Re: You too can be totally dependent on the government for your ride. open eyes 11-08-2016 - 09:56
  Re: You too can be totally dependent on the government for your ride. Pdxrailtransit 11-08-2016 - 14:05
  Re: You too can be totally dependent on the government for your ride. The Adjustment Bureau 11-08-2016 - 15:53
  Re: You too can be totally dependent on the government for your ride. synonymouse 11-08-2016 - 17:19
  Re: You too can be totally dependent on the government for your ride. Trump It Is! 11-08-2016 - 22:56

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