Re: So NWP Gets To Store the LPG at Schellville Awesome
Author: Joe M.
Date: 02-14-2017 - 11:17

Could someone decipher the Petaluma station part, and the waterfront legal stuff for us non-lawyers?

The Petaluma station property refers to the lot (actually two parts) behind the station and its parking area - the area was most recently used as a staging area for SMART construction in Petaluma (ties, rail, supplies), but it is also a team track of sorts, as lumber has been transloaded there in the last few years. What NCRA/NWP is proposing would be to receive SMART's legal blessing to build a new freight loading/unloading facility on the other side of D St. (adjacent lot) in exchange for dissolving the freight easement behind the station. This would be good for SMART, as the entire parcel is effectively a railroad easement, preventing anyone from building on top.

Also is the spur in the paper referring to the brewery?

This would be a spur into the Sonoma Mountain Village business park on the south end of Rohnert Park (located on the east side of the tracks). The customer who has expressed interest in a spur is Innovative Molding - they would likely receive plastic pellets via covered hoppers and/or ship out product as well.

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  SMART and NWP Make Up Definitely Maybe NWP 02-13-2017 - 19:12
  Re: SMART and NWP Make Up Definitely Maybe synonymouse 02-13-2017 - 19:15
  Re: SMART and NWP Make Up Definitely Maybe david vartanoff 02-14-2017 - 14:04
  So NWP Gets To Store the LPG at Schellville Awesome NWPist 02-13-2017 - 20:12
  Re: So NWP Gets To Store the LPG at Schellville Awesome Bayshore Creeper 02-13-2017 - 20:36
  Re: So NWP Gets To Store the LPG at Schellville Awesome CPRR 02-14-2017 - 09:45
  Re: So NWP Gets To Store the LPG at Schellville Awesome Joe M. 02-14-2017 - 11:17
  Re: So NWP Gets To Store the LPG at Schellville Awesome Cprr 02-14-2017 - 18:09

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