Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news
Author: Earl Pitts
Date: 03-05-2017 - 17:00

Espee2472 Wrote:
> in any other type of transportation,
> this commodity would be under guard,
> at the least, blame the shipper and
> the rr, for failing to protect this
> commodity, especially in view of the
> fact, that chicago is a known theives paradise

Hold on there. Containers are usually
shipped as FAK (Freight All Kinds) or
NOIBN (Not Otherwise Identified By Name).
EXCEPT haz-mat.

Meaning nobody except the shipper and
consignee have any clue what's in
a container (or boxcar, for that matter.

Of course, no way would anyone inside
the shipper or consignee organizations
could be bribed to disclose the contents
to gangs.


Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Shipping guns by rail is bad news Chicago news 03-04-2017 - 21:13
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Pdxrailtransit 03-05-2017 - 11:18
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Espee2472 03-05-2017 - 12:03
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Pdxrailtransit 03-05-2017 - 12:14
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Earl Pitts 03-05-2017 - 17:00
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news david vartanoff 03-05-2017 - 18:12
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news HUTCH 7.62 03-05-2017 - 17:30
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Ed Workman 03-06-2017 - 07:17
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Erik H. 03-05-2017 - 18:59
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Bait 03-05-2017 - 19:06
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Roscoe 03-06-2017 - 10:13
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Enough 03-06-2017 - 15:09
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Mark 03-06-2017 - 19:49
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Dr Welby 03-06-2017 - 20:13
  Re: Shipping guns by rail is bad news Lenzo 03-07-2017 - 09:36

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