Re: Thanks for replies and basalt.
Author: espee2472
Date: 06-23-2017 - 13:43

Ed Immel Wrote:
> The SP had a major ballast provider just south of
> the mainline in Springfield. There was also There
> were also smaller pits scattered around the system
> including one near Salmonberry on the Tillamook
> Branch. The UP had a major pit west of Reith.
> They also have a major pit located near North
> Powder in eastern Oregon. The SP also used slag
> from Portland and McMinnville steel mills.

don't forget kegg pit

Subject Written By Date/Time (PST)
  Ballast Quarries Pdxrailtransit 06-21-2017 - 14:55
  Re: Ballast Quarries MAPAZ 06-21-2017 - 15:36
  Re: Ballast Quarries BN Oly 06-21-2017 - 20:23
  Re: Ballast Quarries George Andrews 06-21-2017 - 20:39
  Re: Ballast Quarries Bryan 06-22-2017 - 08:52
  Re: Ballast Quarries Uncle Dave 06-21-2017 - 21:05
  Re: Ballast Quarries BN Oly 06-21-2017 - 21:43
  Re: Ballast Quarries Tony CZ 06-21-2017 - 22:26
  Don't forget Winona R Ruiz 06-21-2017 - 23:28
  Re: Don't forget Winona Trentkd5ia 06-22-2017 - 13:30
  Source(s) in lieu of Ballast Quarries George Jenista 06-22-2017 - 13:54
  Thanks for replies and basalt. Pdxrailtransit 06-22-2017 - 18:01
  Re: Thanks for replies and basalt. Ed Immel 06-23-2017 - 09:06
  Re: Thanks for replies and basalt. espee2472 06-23-2017 - 13:43
  Re: Thanks for replies and basalt. HUTCH 7.62 06-27-2017 - 17:25
  Re: Ballast Quarries ctcdaggett 06-23-2017 - 17:07

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